A bike tour to get to know and to showcase
virtuous and sustainable experiences in the “changing” Southern Italy
The Bike Tour project originates following the footsteps of Francois Schneider, who in 2004 travelled around France for an year with his donkey to promote the degrowth thought. From 10 to 24 September 2016 a numerous group of cycle-activists will ride the bicycle from Lecce to Palermo. The purpose is to present the degrowth thought in interested and sensitive contexts and, on the same time, have the opportunity to know and map on the “Italia che Cambia” portal the virtuous realities that deal with sustainability, solidarity and degrowth in the South of Italy, with the final objective of establishing synergies and collaborations.
The group will mainly travel by bicycle (from 40 to 80 km per day) with the support of trains in few cases. In every stop various initiatives will be co-developed along with the local stakeholders depending on the context, the interests and the skills (auto-production workshops, conferences on degrowth and related topics, presentation of practical and virtuous experiences, etc.).
The tour is also meant to spread the idea that it is possible to travel in a different way, slower and richer in experiences, conviviality and happiness. Through pedaling, we will promote the message that another world is possible and starts from the change that originates first of all within ourselves, our imaginary and our way of being. As Gandhi stated, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.
We are thus pleased to invite all citizens and any interested person to ride with us. It will be possible to participate to the entire tour as well as to individual days.
More information on how to participate or on the programme are available at the following link (only italian). For not italian speakers you can write to: biketour@gmail.com.
Movimento per la Decrescita Felice
Italia che Cambia
Movimento per la Decrescita Felice (MDF)
Website MDF www.decrescitafelice.it
Email: movimentodecrescitafelice@gmail.com
Italia che Cambia
Website Italia che Cambia: http://www.italiachecambia.org
Email: redazione@italiachecambia.org
For more information or interviews: Jean-Louis Aillon (President, MDF)
Email: biketour@gmail.com
Programme and information of the Bike Tour are available at: https://decrescitafelice.it/2016/07/bike-tour-decrescita-2016-un-viaggio-nel-sud-italia-cambia/